Theological aspects of harmonizing Orthodox and evolutionary teachings about man origin

  1. Lemma
  2. Богословские аспекты проблемы согласования православного и эволюционного учений о происхождении человека
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Conflict
  6. 2000
  7. Максимов Георгий, священник [Author]. Theological aspects of harmonizing Orthodox and evolutionary teachings about man origin
  8. Шестоднев против эволюции : Hexameron against evolution
  9. Creationism - evolutionism - teleological principle
    1. In the author's opinion from theological point of view, the very possibility of scientific cognition of the way the world was created is rather doubtful. Therefore, upon discussing about the creation of the world, in principle, man cannot possibly determine the way the world came into being, and it can not be the object of scientific research, because it exceeds the rational abilities of man i.e (his logic). Man is a part of created reality, so he can not become an "observer" of the way he himself was created.