Modern apologetics, or two approaches to the Bible

  1. Lemma
  2. Современная апологетика, или два подхода к Библии
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Co-existence
  6. 1999
  7. Дронов Михаил, протоиерей [Author]. Modern apologetics, or two approaches to the Bible
  8. Православная беседа
  9. Bible - interpretations
    1. The "scientific" apologia for Christianity during the two preceding centuries, having become positivist, argued that the Bible "does not contradict science." But does the Bible need this? After all, the first place is not placed by God and His Revelation, but by the "laws of nature", in the light of which, for the sake of materialists, the Bible was examined.

      When approaching the Bible as a religious rather than a natural scientific document, the researcher's task is to distinguish and describe the meaning of the biblical message, expressed in specific literary forms, which are not always adequately perceived today. Here the scientific task of describing biblical thinking in its structure coincides with the task of ecclesiastical teaching - exegesis, and the preaching of biblical Revelation. However, this should not disorient anyone. The scientific description of biblical theology has a deliberately probabilistic nature: there can never be complete certainty that today's historian correctly understands what was then said.