Russian philosophy searching antropology of consubstantiality

  1. Lemma
  2. Русская философия в поисках антропологии единосущия
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Mysticism and Orthodox spiritual experience
  6. 2011
  7. Козырев Алексей [Author]. Russian philosophy searching antropology of consubstantiality
  8. Русская философия (традиция и современность) 2004-2009 : Russian Philosophy (tradition and modernity) 2004-2009
  9. Florensky, Pavel - Булгаков Сергий, протоиерей - Platonism
    1. The author, being a specialist in Russian philosophy, highlights the peculiarity of Russian philosophy that appeals to spiritual friendship. Kozyrev investigates Florensky's and Bulgakov's works. For Florensky friendship does not only change onthological status of personality diluting the human self in gifting himself to another, in friendship there is a real cognition of self. The author points out that despite the majority of examples  taken from the Holy Scripture and Tradition, Florensky is close to Plato in his thoughts.

      Friendship as a gift to one  another, has religous roots. Friendship constitutes Church organizm. The closest man's friend is his Guardian Angel.