Thermal motion: chaos and information

  1. Lemma
  2. Тепловое движение: хаос или информация
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity
  6. 2005
  7. Шугаев Михаил [Author]. Thermal motion: chaos and information
  8. Божественное откровение и современная наука
  9. quantum physics
    1. After a meticulous analysis of fluctuations, their connection with thermal motion, entropy and information in real objects, it is easy to see how Kant's "things-in-themselves" are unknowable to physics in the modern scientific picture of the world, writes the author. Information is present in thermal motion, which characterizes all real objects in the universe. It is fluctuations in motion and heterogeneity in the structure of natural objects, individual for all real objects, that constitute "things in themselves" which is any object in the language of modern physics.

      In the author's opinion, in God's law the details of the "universal computer software device" are communicated to mankind. Contradictions between the modern scientific ("objective") picture and the Orthodox doctrine of the world beginning and existence, exists only in the minds of strongly "objectified" people. In nature (or the world of God) there is no contradiction between the synthesized man's objective picture of nature and the Orthodox doctrine of the world.