On the double sense of hook notation

  1. Lemma
  2. О двойном значении крюковой нотации
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Co-existence - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Cult and spirituality
  6. 2011
  7. Мартынов Владимир [Author]. On the double sense of hook notation
  8. Русская философия (традиция и современность) 2004-2009 : Russian Philosophy (tradition and modernity) 2004-2009
  9. Church singing
    1. http://hesychasm.ru/library/creation/martin.htm
    1. The author depicts Church service singing and echoes (znamenny), chant noted by hooks, as an ascetic discipline, when a certain conciousness condition has to be reached. Melodic pattern of this Church singing system is an acustic image of prayer, and prayer is transferred through singing. Every hook means certain soul condition or aspiration. According to the author, echoes (znamenny) chant with hook notation is opposite to classical music and even denies it, but at the same time it is a valuable testament of the lost system of interaction between man and God.