Science as a form of religious thought and its relationship with the God revelation

  1. Lemma
  2. Наука как форма религиозного мышления и ее взаимоотношение с откровением Бога
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Antagonism
  6. 2002
  7. Сысоев Даниил, иерей [Author]. Science as a form of religious thought and its relationship with the God revelation
  8. Православная энциклопедия «Азбука веры»
    1. According to Father Daniel, the view that religion and science deal with different realities of the world is strange, if not absurd. Religion and science talk about the same thing, but science has a very limited field of activity (three-dimensional space and event repeatability), as Sysoev argues.

      Science can not give an explanation to the nature of reason and to existence of this world, as it is necessary for it to have a super-reason and to be able to go beyond this world. Science does not have this opportunity. Thus, it is not capable of evaluating the very tool it uses, the author claims. "So scientific knowledge is very weak and, of course, fundamentally incapable of giving a consistent scientific picture of the world that objectively reflects reality," Sysoev believes.

      Therefore, in the author’s opinion, the conflict between science and religion is connected precisely with the fact that science began to claim what it does not have the right to. "From the point of view of Christianity, science was originally supposed to act only within its narrow framework, and if it wants to exist normally within the framework of Christian civilization, it must be a servant of theology," Sysoev believes. "Christianity does not reject science as a way of knowing the world, but it shows that this is a way of knowing a very small segment of it."