Numeral harmony of Adam's ancestry

  1. Lemma
  2. Числовая гармония родословной Адама
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 2007
  7. Леонтьев Константин [Author]. Numeral harmony of Adam's ancestry
  8. Библия и наука
  9. numerology - Genesis, Bible - Pythagorean model
    1. The author analyzes the birth dates of the first biblical patriarchs (Adam and his descendants) and comes to the conclusion that one can observe a certain numerical and musical harmony. It is known that numerical relations corresponding to the basic musical intervals also enter as numerical factors or exponents in the most general formulas of physics, chemistry, and other sciences. These relationships determine the optical parameters of the Sun and the Earth's atmosphere, the properties of human vision and much more. As the author believes, the harmony of Pythagoras' spheres is real and is repeatedly confirmed.

      According to the author, the words of the Bible itself predetermine the direction of observing the musical harmony of the numbers of genealogy. Onу can observe integrity on the formula of discovered order of numbers, for which the number three is common: three twice written names, of three pairs of numbers obtained as the difference between the dates of birth and death, is precisely three numbers formed by three simplest factors, and the ratio of these differences corresponds to three main intervals of natural musical scale. Finally, the result depends on 12 numbers, and, according to the doctrine of gematria numbers (numerology), the minimum sign of the number 12 is also the number three (one ten and two units). All this testifies to the fact that the order of numbers of Adam's genealogy related to the octave, quint and quart, is not accidental.

      Reflecting on the genealogy of Adam, one can understand that the life of people, the timing of the birth of their sons individually are, as it were, random and depend on the individual actions and destinies of people. However, in the aggregate we see Providence and a single Purpose, Leontiev believes.