St. John of Kronstadt and Religious and Philosophical Assemblies of 1901-1903.

  1. Lemma
  2. Св. Иоанн Кронштадсткий и религиозно-философские собрания 1901-1903гг.
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice
  6. 2011
  7. Хондзинский Павел, протоиерей [Author]. St. John of Kronstadt and Religious and Philosophical Assemblies of 1901-1903.
  8. Русская философия (традиция и современность) 2004-2009 : Russian Philosophy (tradition and modernity) 2004-2009
  9. Russian philosophy - Св.Иоанн Кронштадтский
    1. The article author examines the little-known work of St. John of Kronstadt "Christian Philosophy", published in 1902 as a response to the searches of members of Religious and Philosophical Assemblies, in particular the group of D. Merezhkovsky, about the "holy flesh"- an attempt to impart a sacred and independent significance to the eros of culture.

      As the author writes, Father John comes to the God knowledge not by the conventional way of natural theology, but proceeds primarily from the contemplation of man "in the divine beauty" of his soul and body. According to St.John, this sanctity of flesh is revealed only in the Church and only by Christ, who destroyed the "deeds of the devil," but culture could never come to "the holiness of flesh" by natural way.

      The author notes with sadness that this philosophical heritage of Fr. John of Kronstadt is unexplored and unclaimed for that historical period.