Will science soon explain the world and religion become unnecessary?

  1. Lemma
  2. Скоро ли наука объяснит мир и религия станет ненужной?
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity
  6. 04-2018
  7. Доброхотов Александр [Author]. Will science soon explain the world and religion become unnecessary?
  8. Православный журнал ФОМА
  9. rationality
    1. https://foma.ru/skoro-li-nauka-obyasnit-mir-religiya-stanet-nenuzhnoy.html
    1. The author believes that there is no conflict between religion and science, for him there is no real background for it; science and religion talk in different languages. At some level, the "principle of complementarity" begins to work: science and religion together create an image of an integral world. But, from the author’s point of view, "it is necessary to delimit territories, draw boundaries between these spheres, so that if you are in Rome, do as the Romans do". The sense of contradiction between scientific truths and religious dogmas arises in those who have lost a sense of the border, in passing through which you fall into another jurisdiction where other laws and interpretation approaches operate.

      Dobrokhotov notes that faith in God can not be called irrational, since rationality is not something external, to which we appeal as to some objectively existing order. "Rationality is the binding connection of what we think with what we say, the same divine gift as freedom. The Latin word "ratio" is the translation of the Greek word-concept "logos". Therefore, we can say that Christianity is an extremely rational religion".