Transplantology and Orthodox Ethics

  1. Lemma
  2. Трансплантология и православная этика
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Modes of interaction > Conflict
  6. 20-02-2018
  7. Агафангел, игумен (Гагуа) [Author]. Transplantology and Orthodox Ethics
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. ethics
    1. The article author poses a question: what is the ethical basis that modern Orthodox theology could propose in connection with the dynamical discoveries in the field of biomedicine?

      From the Christian point of view, it is not only a doctor to be unavailable to dispose the deceased patient body organs, but a person himself does not have ethical right to dispose of his body during his life - this is the prerogative of the human life Creator, God, alone, the author emphasizes. A person's sacrifice is possible with God's blessing, and not with the nomenclature decision of compliance with a legal act.

      The problems of modern transplantology are extremely complex from the ethical point of view. In the author’s opinion, the productive solution is impossible only in the framework of professional medical ethics, since it does not provide answers to the results of accelerating change and improvement of medical technologies. Orthodox theology contains an invaluable experience in ethical assessment of the changing world phenomena, including the field of modern medical technologies. Transplantology is directly related to the issues of life and death of a person, his body and soul, that is why Orthodox evaluation forms the most important spiritual and moral guidelines for the society in relation to the problems identified in the article, the author believes.