Intelligent Design and the historical roots of the invasion of pseudo-science
- Lemma
- Интелигентният дизайн и историческите корени на нашествието на псевдонауката
- Bulgarian
- Nachev, Ivaylo
- Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
- 14-4-2018
- Маринов, Георги [Author]. Интелигентният дизайн и историческите корени на нашествието на псевдонауката
- Философски Алтернативи
- Intelligent Design - Evolution - Creationism
Observing that the Intelligent Design theory and creationism have so far remained marginal in the Bulgarian discourse, the author argued that this situation may soon change as creationist views gain more support. According to Marinov, the Bulgarian society is becoming more vulnerable to the pseudo-scientific ideas, including the Intelligent Design (ID) ones, which are seen even in recent publications in scholarly journals.
The author firstly critically examined from a philosophical point of view, a number of arguments of supporters of the theory, mostly the ones recently published in Bulgarian works. Marinov elaborated on several points in the ID theory that he sees as incompatible with contemporary physics, biology and etc. The author questioned the ones claimed by religion spiritual influences upon biological and social phenomena. The article also dealt with the socio-political context that nurtures support for the ID theory, including decline of scientific knowledge and rise of superstitions after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. ID suffers from internal contradictions in author’s view and its spread is seen as a danger to the intellectual health of the society. Parallels were drawn with the decay of the Islamic civilization due to anti-rationalistic attitudes. Critical analysis was made of the Bible, a fully human-made book, the author argued.