World Creation in patristic tradition

  1. Lemma
  2. Творение мира в святоотеческой традиции
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Modes of interaction > Orthodox critique of science
  6. 2011
  7. Салтыков Александр, протоиерей. [Author]. World Creation in patristic tradition
  8. Вся премудростию сотворил еси. Труды семинара ПСТГУ "Наука и вера" : "In wisdom hast thou made them all"
  9. Bible narrative of Creation
    1. The author examines the boundaries of the biblical doctrine of the world and man origin to coincide with the scientific data, and comes to the conclusion that only what is related to the Earth origin coincides. Everything related to cosmos as a totality of celestial bodies and man as the supreme being in science and in the Bible essentially does not coincide. On the one hand, for the author, this is an astounding and sufficient testimony to the truth of the Holy Scripture doctrine of the universe origin and earthly life, which has no convincing parallels in any other cosmologies.

      On the other hand, the author emphasizes, this prompts us to firmly establish that "no matter how much science is deepened into the depths of the universe history, the structure of matter and geological strata, it will never reveal the riddle of the world and life origin and formation mysteriously designated in the Holy Scripture as the Six Days of Creation. This question, of course, belongs to the spiritual realm". For science it is possible in this case only to raise the question of the nature of being, and also to clarify some realities at the level of modern knowledge.