Harmony of the Divine creation. The relationship between science and religion

  1. Lemma
  2. Гармония Божественного творения. Взаимоотношения науки и религии
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 2013
  7. Нейфах Георгий, протоиерей [Author]. Harmony of the Divine creation. The relationship between science and religion
  8. Гармония Божественного творения. Взаимоотношения науки и религии
    1. https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/bogoslovie/garmonija-bozhestvennogo-tvorenija-vzaimootnoshenija-nauki-i-religii/
    1. The book "Harmony of the Divine Creation" is the result of many years of reflection by Father George (1952 - 2005). The basis of it was a series of lectures delivered at the Kursk State University. Being a successful biological scientist in the past, and then becoming an Orthodox priest, he collected an interesting material covering the history of the relationship between science and religion from biblical times to our days, and showed the connection between scientific discoveries and God's revelation.

      "Science is needed," writes Fr. George, "to awaken the sleeping spirit and thirst for God among those who understand eternal bliss as an endless material abundance, but cannot find consolation in the fruits of their research, who have not yet realized that "there is something higher" that raises human life above a level of daily affairs".

      F. George as if calls out to frank dialogue those who, denying God and religion, profess the monopoly of science to truth and try to present the whole world of human knowledge as an exclusive object of scientific knowledge and methods of cognition as limited only by scientific mechanisms. On the example of a vivid exposition and comparison of two periods of science - the Middle Ages scholasticism and the New Time science - the author displays the origin of scientific discoveries, the nature laws and physical theories that radically changed not only our knowledge of nature but also the face of human civilization. F. George names those creators of science who received their results through the hard way of scientific cognition, illuminating their path in science by the light of religious truth and experience as well.