Experience and Prayer

  1. Lemma
  2. Переживание и молитва
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
  6. 2005
  7. Василюк Борис Ефимович [Author]. Experience and Prayer (experience of general psychological research)
  8. Переживание и молитва (опыт общепсихологического исследования) : Experience and Prayer (experience of general psychological research)
  9. prayer - synergistic psychotherapy
    1. http://synergia-isa.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/vasiluk_perezhivanie.pdf
    1. The main goal of this work is a comparative general psychological analysis of experience and prayer. The author undertook a genuine general psychological study to create synergistic psychotherapy, which hopes to have a prayer as a central point, "the center of crystallization of all psychotherapeutic theory and practice".

      In our country, Christian psychotherapy makes only the first steps and only begins to identify itself. The process of this recognition of oneself is not easy, for it must be conducted simultaneously in several contexts, from the author’s point of view: first, the Orthodox tradition, which includes both liturgical life, ascetic experience, dogmatics, theological thought, the practice of social ministry and missionary work, and the experience of pastoral counseling (which is especially important for psychotherapy). Second, the tradition of modern psychotherapy. Third, the scientific psychological tradition. Fourth, the extremely eclectic culture of the modern man mental activity.

      The general result of the research was the conclusion that activity, experience and prayer, being original, incompetent, irreducible to each other constitutive forms of a person's vital activity, can enter in various relations with each other which significantly affect all the members of these processes. Methodological analysis of the categorical triad “activity - experience – prayer” generates a whole range of important and fruitful theoretical problems, but in this study only one direction was chosen - studying the transitions of the experience process into prayer and the consequences of such transitions for experience.