Christian psychology as a scientific trend: to the history of the issue.

  1. Lemma
  2. Христианская психология как научное направление: к истории вопроса.
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
  6. 2015
  7. Братусь Борис [Author]. Christian psychology as a scientific trend: to the history of the issue.
  8. Национальный психологический журнал.
    1. In the article, the cultural and historical prerequisites for the formation of a new scientific trend in post-Soviet Russia - Christian psychology - are considered for the first time. The author shows the continuity of the trend with the works carried out in this area before the revolution, and the link to the foreign scientists’ works on the faith psychology.

      The author explores the reasons for revival of interest in psychological problems of spiritual development and religious outlook. He describes the main milestones of the Moscow school of Christian psychology formation history: Seminar on Christian psychology and anthropology held at the psychological faculty of Moscow State University (1990), a laboratory of philosophical and psychological foundations of human development (essentially Christian psychology laboratory) at the RAS Psychological Institute, the emergence of "psychology of religion" as a specialization area at psychological faculty of Moscow State University (the beginning of the 1990s.), the first edition of a textbook for high schools in Russia, "The Beginnings of Christian psychology"(1995), organization of the "Chelpanovsky reading" at the RAE Psychological Institute, that dealt with the Christian theme.