Christian and secular psychotherapy

  1. Lemma
  2. Христианская и светская психотерапия
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis
  6. 1997
  7. Братусь Борис [Author]. Christian and secular psychotherapy
  8. Московский Психотерапевтический Журнал
  9. soul - body - Christian psychotherapy
    1. The author considers questions about the place and specificity of Christian psychotherapy, its difference from secular psychotherapy, the possibility of interaction and cooperation of secular and Christian psychotherapy.

      In Christian therapy, the author emphasizes, the interaction is not built on a dyad, but on a triad, where the relationship between the therapist and the patient is mediated by their attitude toward God. This triad can be full-blooded if both the therapist and the patient are able to hope, to correlate themselves with the third and higher power.

      While secular schools of psychotherapy reveal some part of a person, taking it as a whole, from the author’s point of view, then Christian psychology and psychotherapy is called upon to perceive the whole person, because the Christian body-soul-spirit trinity covers all these aspects. According to the author, in the 20th century, the concept of soul, “psyche”, was withdrawn from psychology. There came "physiological", "reflex", "behavioral", "subconscious" person, etc.

      The soul in the second (religious) understanding, indeed, does not enter, does not fit into psychology, religious-philosophical and concrete-psychological levels are irreducible to each other, are not mutually compatible, but their mutual recognition, correlation is a condition and form of their living realization, of full-fledged psychological help to a person, the author believes.

      In the author's view, Christian psychotherapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the main, central split in a person: the split between the sides of the soul - inner, spiritual and external, facing the world.