Creation, teleology, eschatological ending

  1. Lemma
  2. Творение, телеологичност, есхатологичен завършек
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Reflection, evoked by the research program of CERN, Geneva (en)
  5. Nachev, Ivaylo
  6. Orthodox Anthropology
  7. 22-3-2018
  8. Хубанчев, Антоний [Author]. Creation, teleology, eschatological ending
  10. eschatology
  11. 23.03.2018
    1. The article combines observations on the Orthodox view on human anthropology with challenges posed by contemporary science. Humankind is threatened by self destructions, not because of advance in science. Immature understanding of God’s providence is the biggest threat. The author’s point of departure is that the Christian worldview does not deny the material universe. The author also elaborated on the meaning of the concept of ecological ethics.