Christian University of Nuclear Physics

  1. Lemma
  2. Христианский университет ядерной физики
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Modes of interaction > Conflict - Ecumenism and dialogue > Education
  6. 30-06-2018
  7. Штерн, Борис [Author]. Христианский университет ядерной физики
  8. «Новые Знания»
  9. academic theology - Higher education - Modernization - Russian Orthodoxy
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Штерн, Борис (2012). Христианский университет ядерной физики. <em>Новые Знания</em>. Retrieved from: <a href=""></a> </p>
    1. The article comments on the creation of a theology chair at the National Nuclear Research University. The author, Boris Shtern, Dr. Sc., astrophysician and journalist, is strongly opposed to the idea, arguing that theology not only has nothing to do with science, but is in some ways its opposite. Science, he maintains, is based on research, experience, and rooted in the real world. Theology by contrast is based on dogma and represents the development and protection of dogma; it is thus a form of ideology. A scientist can believe in God and remain a scientist, as long as he does not apply faith in research. Shtern points out that the Academic Council of the University did not vote for the creation of the chair: the decision was taken by the rector who then urged the Presidium of the Academic Council to support it. He believes that there is no room for theology in secular universities. The latter can only have religious studies.

      The article includes Shtern’s interview with Valery Rubakov, physicist and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who is also opposed to the establishment of a theology chair. He argues that science and religion are completely different areas of human activity. He believes that religion should be taught at religious institutions (seminaries, monasteries, Sunday schools) but not in public secular ones, which are financed by tax-payers. Rubakov also believes that such clericalization of education is in contradiction with the objectives of modernization previously proclaimed by the authorities.

      In conclusion, Shtern urges Rubakov and all the scientific community of Russia to protest against the penetration of the Church into science and education.