Physics and religious metaphysics in Eastern Christian culture

  1. Lemma
  2. Физика и религиозная метафизика в восточно-христианской культуре
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 26-09-2017
  7. Gavryushin Nikolay [Author]. Physics and religious metaphysics in Eastern Christian culture
  8. Татьянин день
    1. PhD in Philosophy, Professor of Moscow Theological Academy Nikolai Gavryushin underlines in his report that conflict or dialogue of science and religion often occurs within one person. The MTA professor urges not to mix the scientific and religious ways of cognizing the world, recalling the Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov words: "A mathematician is not reasonable, if he wants to measure the Divine God's will with a circular. So is a theology teacher, if he thinks that one can learn astronomy or chemistry from the Psalter." On the other hand, the great French physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote in his Memorial at the moment of illumination: "Fire! The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, but not the God of philosophers and scientists, " - Gavryushin pointed out.

      He also noted that, for example, there was no conflict between the Church Fathers and the Alexandria School of Science, and the very concept of science in history was changing. At the same time, there was a "drama of Hellenization of Christian revelation": the scholars tried to "process what they received in revelation." And when at some point of time Western scholars (deeply religious but armed with new devices) discovered that the Universe does not correspond to Ptolemy's ideas, the hierarchs of the Catholic Church decided to link the form of the world representation to the essence of Christian faith. "There may be a change in form, but the truth of Christ is always the same. We should put in the center what should be in the center, and what is less important – we should not defend, as the Inquisitors, "- concluded Professor Gavryushin.