Вся премудростию сотворил еси. Труды семинара ПСТГУ "Наука и вера" : "In wisdom hast thou made them all"
- Book
- Periodicals
- 328p
- 978-5-7429-0661-2
Works of manifestation
- Сошинский Сергей. Hexameron and science: the problem of accordance or the crisis of meeting?
- Салтыков Александр, протоиерей. World Creation in patristic tradition
- Соболев Александр. Spiritual roots of the fundamental science
- Серебряков Николай Станиславович. The problem of correlating the biblical narrative of the world and man creation with natural science
- Салтыков Александр, протоиерей. The Serpent
- Мумриков, Олег A. Considering admissibility of the Holy Scripture “scientific” reading and the church reception of the scientific world pictures