The human imbecility against God's omnipotence: part 3. The Controversy of the Evolutionary Theory with the New Testament

  1. Lemma
  2. Човешкото слабоумие срещу Божието всемогъщество – част 3. Противоречие на еволюционната теория с Новия Завет
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 31-01-2018
  7. Главев, Божидар [Author]. The human imbecility against God's omnipotence: part 3. The Controversy of the Evolutionary Theory with the New Testament
  8. Бъди верен
  9. Evolution - Theophan the Recluse - Saint John of Kronstadt - Saint Luka Vojno-Jaseneckij
  10. Click Here
    1. The article argues that there is an unbridgeable difference between the evolutionary model that is accepted by the contemporary science and the Holy Scriptures. Condemning evolutionary views for the origin of man, the author also criticized contemporary theological approaches seeking compromises with scientific theories. Instead Glavev claimed the literal interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, citing on several occasions the Bible to support his position.  He also stated that the true Orthodox thinkers have always rejected the teaching of evolution, referring to quotes and several name, including Saints Theophan the Recluse (Theophan Zatvornik), John of Kronstadt and Luka Vojno-Jaseneckij. According to the author, one can speak of just an evolutionary hypothesis, of which there is still no undisputed scientific evidence (also referred to as “pseudo-science”). This in turn leads to moral relativism.   

      The author concluded that it is clear that evolutionism, just as modernism and ecumenism, is not just a heresy, but nutritious ground from which dozens of heresies and false teachings emerge. So, he advised his readers, to keep their minds away from these incubators for heresies.