From Creation to the Last Judgment: Origin of man according to “Science” and the Bible

  1. Lemma
  2. От Сътворението, до Страшния съд: Произход на човека според “Науката” и Библията
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 31-1-2018
  7. Хаджистоянов, Борис [Author]. From Creation to the Last Judgment: Origin of man according to “Science” and the Bible
  8. От Сътворението, до Страшния съд: Произход на човека според “Науката” и Библията - Sofia: Чавиели прес, 2003.
  9. atheism - Evolution
    1. The book examines both theories for the origin of man in sciences (mainly physical anthropology) and the Biblical interpretation of the question. The author claims that the work is mainly based on the scientific argumentation, but not leaving aside emotion, which is the way God has created man. The book refers to both Biblical texts and scientific theories. According to Hadzhistoyanov, scientific and religious views should not be considered as opposition as in the course of time they are getting closer.

      The author pointed that science is currently not able to answer core questions for the humankind as those for the origin of universe and man. People nowadays need to have quick answers for their key worldview questions. At the same time any Christian needs to have a stable worldview.

      The author also made critique to materialism as part of the Marxism–Leninism ideology, including its dogmas for human nature.  According to him the main problem is that physical anthropology researchers tend to adapt their findings to political or philosophical views.

      The book made an overview of ideas on origin of life from ancient and medieval philosophers to more recent times. The author attributed spread of superstitions to non-Christian philosophers. It was provided also an overview of evolutionary theory development up to the early 20th century, with focuses on contradictions and disputes between different authors, findings and theories. Science in fact does not possess exact knowledge, it is based on faith. Hadzhistoyanov also denounced the atheistic materialism in the Marxism–Leninism system, and its stress that humans evolved from apes. An overview was also made on fossils excavations, noting some falsifications in the results.