The search of the other: theological answer to a postmodern challenge

  1. Lemma
  2. Търсенето на “другия”: богословският отговор на едно постмодерно предизвикателство
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Orthodox Anthropology
  6. 13-12-2017
  7. Тутеков, Свилен [Author]. The search of the other: theological answer to a postmodern challenge
  8. Православие и постмодернизъм (сборник от международна научна конференция “Православната църква и очакванията на съвременното общество”) - София: Омофор, 2010.
  9. Martin Buber - Emmanuel Levinas - Personality
    1. The article discussed possible theological answers to the problem of both the other/otherness and interpersonal relations, one of the central problems of modern philosophy, according to the author. The text of Toutekov examined the ideas of the philosophers Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas. In his opinion efforts of various thinkers to unveil the mystery around the person pose a serious challenge to Christian anthropology. The proposed response of Orthodox theology is to understand the person according to the patristic tradition, excluding thus any existentialist and individualist patterns. True understanding of the person and interpersonal relations is possible through the Eucharistic and ascetic ethos. So, Orthodox theology can not only respond to challenges of the modern philosophy but it can also nurture new interpretation in philosophical analysis, according to the author.