Phenomenon of modern technology in the context of Biblical picture of the world: ontological and ethical aspects

  1. Lemma
  2. Феномен современной техники в контексте библейской картины мира: онтологические и этические аспекты
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Orthodox view on technology and engineering
  6. 2007
  7. Даренский Виталий [Author]. Phenomenon of modern technology in the context of Biblical picture of the world: ontological and ethical aspects
  8. Ответственность религии и науки в современном мире : Responsibility of religion and science in the modern world
  9. Bible - interpretations - Heidegger - technology
    1. This study is devoted to the understanding of the technology evolution essence in the framework of Biblical picture of the world. The author relies on the works of modern European philosophers (O. Spengler, M. Heidegger), as well as well-known Orthodox theologians.

      Initially, the author believes, the technique arises as a means of mastering nature, including our own human nature, as a result of following the commandments of God: "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it." However, later, on the threshold of the New Time, a certain "mutation" occurs with the technique. The “subduing” over the creature to which man was called means its loving use, in which the creature becomes part of the human, spiritually meaningful, being. Modern technology, says the author, on the contrary, is based on fear and hatred for the creature, the desire to firmly isolate it from the technosphere, to turn it into a dead resource of consumption and manipulation. But in attempts to subordinate the power of the elements with the help of technology "man does not want to understand the meaning of their power, and the warning the Lord given through them. Those are not human tricks that save from destruction; only a miracle of faith, which makes a person invulnerable even to death, that is what saves. "

      The author believes that "man began to create a modern type of technology due to some internal existential event, namely, the appeal to idolatry to his perishable  'Ego', striving for maximum comfort of earthly existence, which presupposes submission of this goal to all the actual reality." Modern technology using artificial energy to achieve artificially created goals, is completely superfluous with respect to the fundamental goals and senses of human existence.

      From the point of view of the Biblical revelation of man as a free being called to salvation from the decay of death, to godlike likeness and eternal life, the author argues that life in the modern technosphere leads to total oblivion by man of his essence and vocation, to a state of intensely cultivated obsession by the lower soul-bodily elements, to the atrophy of one's ability to perceive something as a subject, and even more so an absolute Subject. The author understands the modern form of technology in his true spiritual essence as an objectified generic sin of humanity plunging into oblivion of the higher goals and needs of human existence.

      Modern technology is a blessing insofar as it heals from the intrusive illusion of the easiness and naturalness of a truly Christian life, compulsory making it a feat demanding the constant effort of the whole man, confronting the darkness of this century, a feat not only in its secretly humble essence, but also in an open, confessional-responsible, expression, the author concludes.