Applying ontological categories in interpretation of the Holy Fathers' concept of personality

  1. Lemma
  2. Применение онтологических категорий в интерпретации святоотеческого учения о личности
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 2014
  7. Коначева Светлана [Author]. Opportunities and limitations for applying ontological categories in interpretation of the Holy Fathers' concept of personality
  8. Вера и знание: взгляд с Востока : Faith and knowledge: view from the East
  9. Christos Yannaras - Heidegger
    1. The article contains a detailed analysis of the Orthodox theologian H. Yannaras’ works, devoted to Heidegger’s philosophy. The author tries to clarify the subject sphere of theology as a science and to find the specific character of its interrelations with other sciences, primarily with philosophy.

      As Konacheva notes, Orthodox theologians are trying to restore the patristic way of thinking while using the concepts and categories of modern philosophy. However, in this endeavor to apply certain concepts and categories of fundamental ontology, Christian thinkers did not always notice the significant changes that the transfer of ontological categories into the theological context makes. "Thus, the parallels between Heidegger's description of being in its distinction with the existent and apophatic knowledge of God as not being anything of the existing, lead Yannaras to a dubious convergence of concepts of God and being, against which Heidegger himself insistently objected," Konacheva says.

      The author believes that the limits to apply ontological concepts in theology are due to the difference in objectivity and original experience. Theology that risks applying philosophical utterances to understanding God in the study of faith testimony, must correlate with the structures of historical truth that determine the hermeneutics of the being validity as an assignment event. For a theology that does not strive to become a Heideggerian, but remains structurally consistent with such a method of philosophizing, this means the opportunity to find positive moments in the philosophical overcoming of the objectifying thinking of metaphysics.

      Modern theology can reveal in the radical Heidegger's overcoming of metaphysics, the recall of the being history, the theoretical grounds for understanding the post-secular situation and various forms of revival of the sacred, the author concludes.