The apology of biological evolution in discussion with "scientific creationists"

  1. Lemma
  2. Апология биологической эволюции в контексте дискусси с "научными креационистами"
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity - Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 2014
  7. Муравник Галина [Author]. The apology of biological evolution in discussion with "scientific creationists"
  8. Вера и знание: взгляд с Востока : Faith and knowledge: view from the East
  9. Creationism - Evolution
    1. The article criticizes the so-called "scientific creationism". Analyzing "scientific creationism" the author comes to the conclusion that it is not identical to Christianity. The "scientific creationism" methodology based on the letter worship (total submission to the Scripture letter) is not suitable for solving missionary, apologetic tasks, and is inadequate to the modern scientific picture of the world. This inadequacy is manifested in constructing a mythologized picture based on ignoring, omitting and distorting scientific data, Galina Muravnik states.

      Theology and science are manifestations of the one human subjectivity - the human spirit. As the science strives for the fullness of knowledge about the world (and this is unlikely to be challenged by anyone), then it is possible to achieve this completeness only through faith, which gives the criteria of completeness, the author believes. The space of inexplicable in essence in a rationally ordered cosmos - this is the meeting place of science and theology, this is the area where the territory of sovereignty ends and their coexistence starts. Scientific knowledge does not just leave a place for faith, but also needs religious comprehension. Simultaneously, complex scientific phenomena lying in the field of mutual interest should be considered as problematic situations for theological reflection.

      "The convergence of evolutionary biology and Christian theology, based on solidarity and subordination, with a seemingly unusual nature of such a union, conceals a unique spiritual potential that can give modern man not only the joy of scientific knowledge, but also a new, deep experience of faith" , - maintains Muravnik.