Remarks on the history of relationship between science and theology in Russia

  1. Lemma
  2. Замечания к истории взаимоотношений науки и богословия в России
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Mutual dependence - History and philosophy of science
  6. 2014
  7. Копейкин, Кирилл [Author]. Remarks on the history of relationship between science and theology in Russia
  8. Вера и знание: взгляд с Востока : Faith and knowledge: view from the East
  9. Personality
    1. The article author analyzes the science history of Russia, its current state, and depicts the prospects for dialogue between science and theology. The question of correlation of science (primarily natural sciences) and theology in Russia, is today one of the most burning issues, according to the author.

      Kopeikin believes that the currently accepted scientific methodology, which does not allow including in the scientific world picture life, consciousness, personality, and leaves the question of "where" are the laws of nature discovered by science, is coming to the end. The rise of the scientific research cost may decrease an interest in fundamental science, and lead to reduction in its funding.

      "A huge grove of science should be turned over to the care of long-living organizations that are able to create and maintain long-living values. In the past, one of such organizations was the church which opened universities, academies and other scientific institutions that had existed for many centuries. These long-living institutions can not and do not require the immediate transformation of hopes and ideals into a small change of coins of today. They exist due to the belief that improvement of knowledge is a blessing, which in the end should benefit all the humanity. "

      Today, in the author’s opinion, there is a unique situation when science and theology need each other again. Today theology, if it wants to become urgent, should once again, at a new level, taking into account the whole body of data from modern science, try to build an integral architectonics of the whole universe of human knowledge in order to help the modern man build an integral hierarchy of values if possible. The scientific world picture needs to be expanded and deepened, which would allow adding a living, personal, existential, "inner" dimension of being - a dimension that has an ontological status.

      How can the notion of personality come to the scientific picture of the world? - the author inquires. Then he answers: "the same way as it came to the European culture - from the revelation of personal God." If the Book of Nature is a "text" written by the same Author as the Bible, there is not and can not be a contradiction between them; what is sometimes perceived by us as some inconsistency, is due to the limitedness of our understanding and interpretation of these books, the author concludes.