So what are the days of creation?

  1. Lemma
  2. Так чем же являются дни творения?
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Biblical interpretation
  6. 2005
  7. Цыпин Леонид [Author]. So what are the days of creation?
  8. Так чем же являются Дни творения? : So what are the days of creation?
  9. Genesis, Bible - Maximus the Confessor - St. Gregory Palamas
    1. The Father Leonid Tsypin’s book is an experience of modern scientific and theological interpretation of the biblical world creation narrative. One of the most important tasks of biblical exegesis is to clarify what is actually behind the biblical concept of the Creation "Day". To solve it, the author draws both the Byzantine fathers theological insights (the St. Maximus the Confessor’s doctrine of Logos and logoi of the created world and the St. Gregory Palamas’ teachings of the Divine energies) and the latest data of modern natural science, using images and concepts accessible to be understood. The author is convinced of the need for a dialogue between theology and natural science, which can enrich both sides.

      The author regards the Hexameron as a verbal Icon given to us through Moses by the Creator himself. It has, according to the author, two interrelated readings: historical and referring to the realities of the Divine Logos. Thus, the book of Genesis in ordinary and simple verbal images paints us about the mystery of the Hypostasic Word manifesting Himself in the world as the True Light.

      Rejecting the literal interpretation of the "day" concept, the author suggests that the Day of Creation could be considered as the Day of Acts of the True Light (as opposed to the created light); and the morning, day, evening, night are parts of the day in which the Divine action appeared in the world in various degree or quality.