Orthodoxy and the development of mathematics

  1. Lemma
  2. Православие и развитие математики
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Mathematics - Co-existence
  6. 2014
  7. Гриб Андрей [Author]. Orthodoxy and the development of mathematics
  8. Вера и знание: взгляд с Востока : Faith and knowledge: a glance from the East.
  9. Orthodox worldview
    1. http://esxatos.com/obolevich-vera-i-znanie-vzglyad-vostoka
    1. The present article is a reflection on the bond between Orthodoxy and math development in Russia, primarily in the Soviet Union. These reflections are related to personal experience of the author who was born in the family of a higher math professor and who for 20 years was in charge of the higher mathematics department. The author tells about the experience of communication with Soviet mathematicians, who combined their professional studies with the Orthodox faith.

      The author believes that the connection between mathematics and Orthodoxy consists in striving for the accuracy of exposition. Disputes at mathematical conferences about such terms as: "necessary" or "necessary and sufficient", "everywhere" or "almost everywhere", "if" and "if and only if" resemble disputes about filioque or disputes with schismatics, as the author of the article thinks.

      The word "Orthodoxy", the author argues, can be understood as the desire to "correctly" praise God. This is followed by a very serious attitude to the form of communication with God, to the language of communication with Him, which must differ from the usual language of human communication and must be very precise. Any deviation is dangerous and can lead to demonism or (which is the same thing) falling into "charm". This relation could be compared with the situation in the field of experimental nuclear physics, where a person dealing with a reality invisible and unperceived by any of his sense organs, must very accurately observe safety techniques, otherwise he will die.