Bible and nature. Evolution, creationism and Christian doctrine.

  1. Lemma
  2. Библия и природа. Эволюция, креационизм и христианское вероучение.
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology - Mutual dependence
  6. 2014
  7. Гоманьков Алексей [Author]. Bible and nature. Evolution, creationism and Christian doctrine.
  8. Библия и природа. Эволюция, креационизм и христианское вероучение. : Bible and nature. Evolution, creationism and Christian doctrine.
  9. world creation - Creationism - theogenesis
    1. The book investigates the correlation of modern evolution theory (more precisely theories) and of the Biblical world creation doctrine. The author explores capacities and problems in matching them, gives a classification of modern theological teachings on the world creation and traces the religious roots of the main types of evolutionary constructions. The inconsistency of the so-called "scientific" creationists’ views is depicted.

      A.V. Gomankov, a Christian evolutionist, develops an original scientific-philosophical-theological doctrine of theogenesis - evolution, conditioned and guided by the Creator, keeping on, in his own words, the tradition of Father Gleb Kaleda. The author believes that the random mutations underlying the evolution in neo-Darwinian theory are in fact the "points of application" of the Divine will, through which God creates the world.

      Theology and science influence each other, Gomankov believes. The natural science data requires including in theological discourse ideas about long duration and, accordingly, the "slowness" of the creation process, as well as of the animal death existence before the fall. For its part, Christian theology insists on the validity of such uncommon scientific statements as heterogeneity of time and the random nature of biological evolution (opposing to the nomogenesis theory which goes back to pantheism, in the author's opinion). Together, theology and natural sciences go to a common goal, which is Truth, that is, God.