What an Orthodox Christian Should Never Do

  1. Lemma
  2. Чего никогда не должен делать православный христианин
  3. English
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Natural and the supernatural > Pseudoscience
  6. 07-07-2018
  7. Горошкова, Наталья [Author]. Чего никогда не должен делать православный христианин
  8. Православная Жизнь
  9. healing - Russian Orthodoxy - pseudo-medicine - medicine
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Горошкова, Наталья (2016). Чего никогда не должен делать православный христианин. <em>Православная Жизнь.</em> Retrieved from: <a href="http://pravlife.org/content/chego-nikogda-ne-dolzhen-delat-pravoslavnyy-hristianin">http://pravlife.org/content/chego-nikogda-ne-dolzhen-delat-pravoslavnyy-hristianin</a> </p>
    1. This is an interview with Andrei Muzolf, a teacher at the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary, who warns Christians against possible dangers. He argues that the Church has never seen medicine as a hindrance to spiritual advancement. However, he believes that people should be cautious about healers and the methods they use. If for example a Christian wants to seek help from a traditional Chinese healer then they should know that the Chinese treat their healing tradition as religion.

      The biggest danger though, is in the so-called spiritual practice of healers. When healers want to connect to the extra-sensorial dimension to cure people then there is a problem. One should remember that the human body has limits: it is a shell that does not allow human beings to get in contact with the world of spirits directly. There are many Eastern practices that allow the mind to go out of the body and connect to the spirits. This is dangerous because not all spirits are good ones and unprepared people can get under the control of evil spirits. This is why spiritual healers are dangerous for people and will never bring recovery to the diseased.