On Bioethics, Philosophy and Medicine’s View on Saving a Human Live

  1. Lemma
  2. О биоэтике и защите жизни с точки зрения философии и медицины
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Ethics - Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Ecumenism and dialogue > Education
  6. 27-05-2018
  7. Ахундова, Ирина [Author]. О биоэтике защите жизни с точки зрения философии и медицины
  8. Официальный сайт Фонда Андрея Первозванного
  9. bioethics - Higher education - medicine - Russian Orthodox Church - abortion
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Ахундова, Ирина (2016). О биоэтике защите жизни с точки зрения философии и медицины. <em>Официальный сайт Фонда Андрея Первозванного</em>. Retrieved from: <a href="http://cnsr.ru/press-tsentr/analiticheskie-materialy/o-bioetike-i-zashchite-zhizni-s-tochki-zreniya-filosofii-i-meditsiny/">http://cnsr.ru/press-tsentr/analiticheskie-materialy/o-bioetike-i-zashchite-zhizni-s-tochki-zreniya-filosofii-i-meditsiny/</a> </p>
    1. This is an interview with V. Ostapenko, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics, and History of Medicine at Smolensk State Medical University. Ostapenko argues that studying bioethics in medical schools helps to prepare socially responsible doctors so that they will be able to treat questions of life and death with great care. Future doctors should understand, for example, that human life starts when the ovum and sperm cells meet. It is at this moment that that the unique human life comes into being.

      During the course, students attend seminars on religious ethics held by priests from the Smolensk eparchy as well as conferences supported by community organizations and the Russian Orthodox Church. The course is recommended to practicing obstetricians. Ostapenko has a negative view of this initiative. He believes it will eventually lead to the withdrawal of abortion coverage from Russia’s free health care plan. Instead he advocates educating people on ethics surrounding abortions.