Dialogue between the Church and Medicine.

  1. Lemma
  2. Диалог церкви и медицины
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Medicine - Natural and the supernatural > Pseudoscience
  6. 07-07-2018
  7. Инькова, А.Н. [Author]. Диалог церкви и медицины
  8. Новгородское региональное отделение общество православных врачей России
  9. ethics - Orthodox doctors - Russian Orthodox Church - medicine - pseudo-medicine
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Инькова, А.Н. (2010). Диалог церкви и медицины. <em>Новгородское региональное отделение общество православных врачей России.</em> Retrieved from: <a href="http://novpv.ru/2009-11-07-12-17-56/121-2010-05-17-06-37-29">http://novpv.ru/2009-11-07-12-17-56/121-2010-05-17-06-37-29</a> </p>
    1. This is an interview with V. Gurbolikov, deputy chief editor of the Orthodox journal Foma, published on the website of the Novgorod Regional Branch of the Society of Orthodox Physicians of Russia. Gurbolikov notes that the media in Russia create a very negative and incompetent image of the medical community. In many cases, the media uses the image of the Russian Orthodox Church in this campaign, as if this criticism comes from the Church. There is a large number of pseudo-orthodox literature on healing and “natural” cures with references to Orthodox saints, etc.

      Gurbolikov believes that the proliferation of these pseudo-orthodox healing documents can be solved only if the Russian Orthodox Church regulates publications relating to Orthodoxy. He stresses that the Russian Orthodox Church is as interested in real medical technologies as the medical community is. It is also very much against any pseudo-scientific approach in the treatment of diseases. The main aim of the Russian Orthodox Church is to save human souls, not see these souls overwrought pseudo-scientific literature. A true Christian should treat his or her body and soul with consciousness and respect.

      Gurbolikov also argues that the main problem in today’s health care system is the commercialization of the medical profession. He believes that this problem is even more important than the use of new biotechnologies. Doctors are, according to Gurbolikov, disoriented and have to work under the pressure of financial institutions such as insurance companies. Moreover, doctors often have small salaries, which leads to corruption. That is why, he concludes, medical students in particular need to be taught Orthodox Christian ethics to understand why their profession is important for society and not see medicine as a business. Doctors of any religious affiliation or atheists should also know that their profession cannot be based on commercial principles.