The Church and Religion: from Antagonism to Tolerance
- Lemma
- Наука и религия: от противостояния к толерантности
- Russian
- Asliturk, Miriam
- Co-existence - Key thinkers - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
- 16-05-2018
- Субботин, А.И. [Author]. Наука и религия: от противостояния к толерантности
- Фундаментальные исследования
- co-existance - Church - Russian Orthodox Church - Scientists
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- <p>Субботин А.И. (2009) Наука и религия: от противостояния к толерантности. <em>Фундаментальные исследования.</em> № 5. pp. 113-114. Retrieved from: <a href=""></a> </p>
The author argues that confrontation between science and religion is no longer relevant in the twenty-first century. Some 500 years ago, religion enjoyed a monopoly in explaining the world and ensuring the survival of mankind; it relied on national, political, state and other organizational structures. Science meanwhile, was in a different position. It had, the author explains, “to work hard” to prove its relevance and usefulness. Moreover, religion had for a long time fought against science in order to preserve its socio-cultural monopoly. In the twentieth century, and especially in the USSR, science took revenge by proclaiming atheism and the scientific worldview as the only adequate human culture. This view, according to the author, is still wide-spread within the scientific community in Russia.
According to the author, there is still an ideological confrontation between science and religion. The opposing camps accuse each other of ignoring or harming society. There is, however, a third camp which strives to reach a compromise. The scholars that belong to the latter focus on three basic questions. Firstly, they try to find common historical and cultural roots of science and religion (P.P. Gaidenko, V.N. Katasonov). Secondly, they try to define common intellectual foundations of science and religion (L.L. Regelson, I. Hvarckiya, V.N. Nikitin, V. Yu. Irkhin, M.I. Katsnelson). Finally, they try to find common and socially significant spheres of activity of science and religion (L.M. Moreva, K.Kh. Delokarov). All these scholars advocate tolerance in the relations between religion and science; the author agrees with their conclusion.