About the Nature of Divine Energy and Information
- Lemma
- О природе нетварных Божественных энергий и информации
- Russian
- Asliturk, Miriam
- Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Materialism/Idealism - Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning - Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Mysticism and Orthodox spiritual experience
- 12-11-2017
- Порфирьев, Евгений Викторович [Author]. О природе нетварных Божественных энергий и информации
- Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета (Научный журнал КубГАУ)
- information - Divine energies - God - Human nature - dogmatic theology - Holy Scripture
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- <p>Порфирьев, Е. В. (2007). О природе нетварных Божественных энергий и информации. <em>Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета</em>, (31), 135-146.</p>
The article dwells on the correlation between divine energy and information. The author argues that dogmatic theology asserts that the Essence of God is inaccessible to the human mind, and we can speak only of the properties of the being of God or of the essential properties of God. These include two groups: apophatic (negative), which show that God has all the fullness of being, the absolute essence; and cataphatic (positive), which show that God is a spiritually intelligent being or person. The first group includes such properties as: Identity, Immutability, Eternity, Omnipresence and Immeasurability. The second contains Mind, Wisdom, Holiness, Light, Omnipotence, Goodness, Love, Grace and Truth.
The author asks whether there is a connection between the divine non-created energies and information. He defines information not just as message, transmission, or reflection of some signals in living and inanimate nature, but first of all as knowledge, enlightenment, or “super-knowledge.” The author argues that in this sense information has a divine non-created nature (as opposed to the created human information and disinformation). This vision is also to be found in thee Holy Scriptures.
The non-created energy and information are inseparable and are only divided by humanity’s post-sinful consciousness. The fall of Adam and Eve did not only bring about the metaphysical change of the whole universe and man, but also disinformation (or false knowledge), which came from the devil. However, in the human world it is not only the disinformation that exists. There is also created information. It differs from the eternal uncreated logos by the mode of existence and has a beginning and an end in time – it is in fact all human knowledge about the world (scientific, cultural, social, cybernetic, etc. information). Created information requires codes and material means of transmission. The non-created one is transmitted by grace, directly from the Creator to the human.
The author concludes by stressing that by studying material objects and their separate properties, one cannot fully know the inner essence of things, processes, properties of objects as well as oneself. The holistic knowledge of the world is only possible when there is cooperation, a synergy of the two wills – the human and the divine.