Saints and the natural environment

  1. Lemma
  2. Οι άγιοι και το φυσικό περιβάλλον
  3. Greek, Modern (1453-)
  4. Katsiampoura, Gianna
  5. Ecology and the environment
  6. 10-11-2017
  7. Μπαλατσούκας, Σωτήριος [Author]. Saints and natural environment
  8. Saints and natural environment - : Mygnodia, 1996.
  9. ecological crisis
    1. <p>Balatsoukas, Sotirios, <em>Οι άγιοι και το φυσικό περιβάλλον</em> (Saints and natural environment), Mygdonia, Athens 1996</p>
    1. In this book, Sotirios Balatsoukas attempts an approach of the phenomenon of ecological crisis, For the writer, this phenomenon is first of all a spiritual and ethical crisis, due to the defection and alienation of man from the creator God. The main argument of Balatsoukas based on the hagiological texts, such us Lives of the Saints and ascetics.Balatsoukas’s purpose is to view the issue from the orthodox ascetic doctrine and tradition. So, for him, against this nightmarish impasse, e.g. ecological crisis, unique and timeless solution is the Orthodox Church, its faith and Christian doctrine.In the face of the ecological challenge, Orthodox Church presents man as a "priest", a "housekeeper" who offers the world to God, transformed, renewed, and sanctified, and this is shown by the example of the saints.Church can help the deceptively well-manned man of modern times, let the man follow her so that he can live well with his neighbor and his surrounding world.