Betsakos, Vasileios
- Person
- Μπετσάκος, Βασίλειος (en)
- 27 July 1966
- Male
Vasileios Betsakos graduated in 1990 from the Department of Philology of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In 1992 he attended postgraduate lectures in the Ancient Greek Philosophy and Philology, in Hamburg and Berlin. He completed his postgraduate staudies in the Department of Philology, in Thessaloniki, under the supervision of the professor Demetrios Lypourles, having studied thoroughly the ethics and the psychology of Aristotle. In 2004 he successfully presented, in the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, his doctoral dissertation, under the title Στάσις ἀεικίνητος: Η ανακαίνιση της αριστοτελικής κινήσεως στη θεολογία Μαξίμου του Ομολογητού (Perpetual rest: The renovation of the Aristotelian movement in the theology of Maximus the Confessor). Since 1998, he serves as a teacher in the secondary education. In different periods, he has also given lectures in the ancient Greek philosophy at the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the School of History and Archaelogy, as well as in the School of Philosophy and Peedagogy, of the same university. He has translated into Modern Greek some of the treatises of Aristotle, and he has published three books dedicated to the Aristotelian philosophy.
⟶ Curriculum Vitae of Vasileios Betsakos