The Main Ideas Contained in the Training Manual “Orthodox Pedagogy” - winner of the All-Russian Competition for the Best Scientific Book of 2011

  1. Lemma
  2. Основные идеи, содержащиеся в учебном пособии «Православная педагогика», ставшем лауреатом Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую научную книгу 2011 года
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Ecumenism and dialogue > Education - Orthodox Anthropology
  6. 07-08-2018
  7. Загрекова, Л.В. [Author]. Основные идеи, содержащиеся в учебном пособии «Православная педагогика», ставшем лауреатом Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую научную книгу 2011 года
  8. Гуманизация образования
  9. pedagogy - Russian Orthodoxy - religious education - Primary Education - Secondary education - Russian education system - anthropology - Christian anthropology - Anthropocentrism
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Загрекова Л.В. (2012). Основные идеи, содержащиеся в учебном пособии «Православная педагогика», ставшем лауреатом Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую научную книгу 2011 года. <em>Гуманизация образования</em>, (5), 8-12.</p>
    1. The author argues that contemporary education in Russia lacks a spiritual and moral basis. This idea was emphasized in the 2010 "Federal Educational Standard for the General Education School", which defined the spiritual and moral education of Russian schoolchildren as key issues. “Orthodox Pedagogy” addressed this problem and suggested a new methodology of moral, ethical, and spiritual education based on Orthodox pedagogical thought.

      The article points out that both secular and Orthodox pedagogical traditions are considered by contemporary Orthodox pedagogues as closely related and mutually influential. Notably, the achievements of secular pedagogy have been highly appreciated in the works of contemporary Orthodox theologians and pedagogues. The manual “Orthodox Pedagogy” is based on the works by representatives of the religious and philosophical directions such as Soloviev, Rozanov, Berdyaev, Florensky, as well as contemporary religious thinkers. The Orthodox pedagogy is described in the manual as derived from Christian anthropology and the Christian concept of the origin and development of the world. The foundations of Christian anthropology were developed by the Church Fathers. They are based on biblical anthropology and the New Testament doctrine of man. The basis of Christian anthropology is the doctrine of the likeness of man and God (man created in the image of God). In contrast to anthropocentrism, Christian anthropology is based on Christ-centrism, that is on the doctrine of the inseparability and at the same time of the indissolubility of the two natures in Christ, the Divine and the human. That is why, the authors of the manual argue that Orthodox Christian tradition (including Orthodox pedagogy) always sees a human (and thus a child) in a positive light.

      Thus Orthodox pedagogy (and the manual) emphasises the idea of love and full respect for the child's personality. Like Russian pedagogy of the late 19th - early 20th century it is characterized by a deep humanistic focus. Both traditions maintain that the child needs to be educated, not in order to occupy a future position, but in order to harmoniously develop all the forces and facets of his/her spirit. The child is the goal, rather than a means to an end.