The Russian Orthodox Church’s view on current environmental issues

  1. Lemma
  2. Позиция Русской Православной Церкви по актуальным проблемам экологии
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Ecology and the environment - Ecumenism and dialogue > Education - Ecumenism and dialogue > Dialogue between religions
  6. 08-11-2017
  7. Архиерейский Собор Русской Православной Церкви (Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church) [Author]. Позиция Русской Православной Церкви по актуальным проблемам экологии
  8. Pravmir.Ru
  9. environment - pollution - environmental protection - Religious education - Russian Orthodox Church
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Архиерейский Собор Русской Православной Церкви, Позиция Русской Православной Церкви по актуальным проблемам экологии, <em>Pravmir.Ru</em>, 2013. Retrieved from: <a href=""></a>  </p>
    1. This article is a summary of the statement of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Bishops Council on current environmental issues. The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) posits that all mankind is responsible for the state of nature, which is the creation of God. The exhaustion of resources and environmental pollution bring to the fore the question of joint efforts of all peoples in order to preserve the diversity of life, to promote the conscientious use of natural resources and to prevent environmental disasters caused by human activities. The ROC believes that this is only possible if individuals and societies revive spiritually, adopt a truly Christian ascetic attitude to their needs, and resort to consistent self-restraint.

      Given the importance of environmental issues, the Church believes that it is necessary to develop, within its higher educational institutions, theological studies on the interrelations between man and the created world, as well as to study environmental and ecological problems. The ROC also promotes a theological discussion of ecological issues with other Orthodox Churches as well as other Christian and non-Christian religious traditions. It suggests taking into consideration the latest scientific data on the world as well as public opinion, and cooperating with scientific, public, state and international institutions in order to promote a responsible attitude toward nature and the environment.

      The ROC thus encourages priests to take up environmental studies and learn about the functioning of the biosphere. It suggests that children and youth should be brought up in the spirit of responsibility toward nature, which can be achieved by introducing the basics of Christian ecological ethics into ecclesiastical and secular programs of education. It also advocates organizing special church courses and educational programs that reveal the Orthodox vision of environmental issues for students and the scientific community. Monasteries and parishes are believed to have a great potential for the practical implementation of Orthodoxy’s approach to ecology.

      At the same time the ROC sees prayer as a major support in case of ecological crises and catastrophes. It argues thus that it is important to publish and diffuse the existing, adapted and newly developed prayers calling for God's help for agricultural and environmental activities. In addition to the existing ones, the ROC maintains, new worship services and individual prayers should be created during natural disasters and man-made catastrophes.