Religion and Science
- Lemma
- Θρησκεία και επιστήμη
- Greek, Modern (1453-)
- Katsiampoura, Gianna
- Orthodox critique of science - Modes of interaction
- 08-11-2017
- Βαρσάμης, Δημοσθένης [Author]. "Religion and Science"
- Εφημέριος (Vicar)
- Natural sciences - science-religion relationship - Nuclear science
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- <p>Varsamis, Demosthenes, "Religion and Science" (Θρησκεία και επιστήμη), <em>Vicar</em> (Εφημέριος), vol 19, 1980, p.196</p>
Beginning from the work The political importance of Utopia by the German-American philosopher and theologian Pau Tillich, which refers the disappointment oh humanity because of the atomic bomb, Demosthenis Savramis describes two phenomena, one positive and one negative.
The positive is that the man in our days understands that the sience helps the technical progress of society, but cannot ameliorate human life, since science cannot answer to the main question: "Why do I live?".
The negative phenomenon, according to Varsamis, is the mental illnesses caused by lack of hope. But now people who are disappointed by science could find the power of faith, because they have understood that science without faith leads to the destruction of humanity. That is why many scientists, as Max Planck, accept that religion and science complement each other. The progress of science leads to God, creating spiritual needs that only faith satisfies.