The Alternative to Secular Scientific Education is Ignorance!

  1. Lemma
  2. Альтернатива светскому научному образованию – невежество!
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Ecumenism and dialogue > Education - Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. 08-11-2017
  7. Абрамсон, И. Г. [Author]. Альтернатива светскому научному образованию – невежество!
  8. Полит.Ру
  9. Evolution - Schools - Secular education - science - Russian Orthodox Church - Ministry of Education - Ministry of Science and Education
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Абрамов, et al. Альтернатива светскому научному образованию – невежество! <em>Полит.Ру</em>, 2007, retrieved from <a href=""></a> </p>
    1. This is an open letter to A. A. Fursenko, Minister of Science and Education of the Russian Federation published in March 2007. Penned by leading St. Petersburg scientists, this letter is also supported by an important number of prominent scientists from St. Petersburg. The letter expresses deep concern and discontent with the Russian Orthodox Church’s interference in public education. They point out that the high level of education of Russian citizens is largely due to the fact that it is built on a scientific basis and on the materialistic perception of nature. They underline that secular education is under threat in the Russian Federation, with church hierarchs attacking such scientific foundations of teaching as evolutionary theory. The authors also point out the “dangerous policy” of introducing religion into public schools.

      The authors of the letter believe that the teaching of natural sciences must be based solely on established scientific concepts. In their opinion, the only competent expert in determining the content of curricula for the teaching of natural sciences is the scientific community, represented by the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities and scientific societies. While highlighting the right of people to choose their religious confessions, the authors of the letter call attention to the fact that Russia is a secular state, which means that any teaching based on religious principles can be carried out only outside state institutions.

      The authors conclude by stating that in the context of globalization and fierce competition, Russia needs to develop a modern education system with strong science and new technologies, and not to rely on "religious myths". The elimination of all religious content from school education is thus seen as a strategic choice for the future of Russia.