Natural Theology and Orthodoxy
- Lemma
- Natural Theology and Orthodoxy
- English
- Spiritual Autobiography or the Vocation of a Natural Theologian (en)
- Delli, Eudoxie
- Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Cult and spirituality - History and philosophy of science - Sources of knowledge (empiricism/rationalism) - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
- 5-11-2017
- Swinburne, Richard [Author]. Natural theology and Orthodoxy
- Turning East: Contemporary Christian Philosophy and the Ancient Christian Faith - Crestwood, N.Y: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2012.
- natural theology - Christian Metaphysics - probablity of truth - Saint Thomas Aquinas - St Gregory of Nyssa - Saint John of Damascus - Orthodox Church - modern natural sciences
- <p>Swinburne, R. (2012). Natural Theology and Othodoxy. In R. Vitz (Ed.),<em> Turning East: Contemporary Christian Philosophy and the Ancient Christian Faith </em>(pp. 47-77)<em>. </em>Crestwood, N.Y: St Vladimir's Seminary Press.</p>