Returning to the Mystical Experience of the Fathers: The Doctrine of the Divine Uncreated Energies in the Greek Theology of the 20th Century

  1. Lemma
  2. Възвръщане към мистичния опит на отците : учението за нетварните божествени енергии в гръцкото Богословие на XX век
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Patristic studies
  6. 30-10-2017
  7. Риболов, Светослав [Author]. Returning to the Mystical Experience of the Fathers: The Doctrine of the Divine Uncreated Energies in the Greek Theology of the 20th Century
  8. Възвръщане към мистичния опит на отците : учението за нетварните божествени енергии в гръцкото Богословие на XX век - София: Синодално издателство, 2014.
  9. St. Gregory Palamas - Divine energies - uncreated energies
    1. The book explored perceptions of the doctrine of the Divine uncreated energies in the contemporary Orthodox world. The focus is on the Greek context and the re-discovery of the problem by Greek theologians, mostly from the 1960s onwards, with the contributions of several generations of thinkers being examined (the comparatively long tradition among Greek authors and an interest in the dialogue with the contemporary philosophical and scientific thought being stressed by Ribolov as one of the reasons for focus on the Greek case). Also, a number of parallels were made with themes and discussions around the same problematic in Serbia, Russia and Romania. In addition, a reference wa made to the late emergence of the topic and Bulgaria in 1990s among theologians and philosophers. The author offered a complex study of the problem, dealing with a number of topics, including a historic overview of the influence of the European academic theology and Russian emigrant Orthodox thinkers, studies on the theology of Saint Gregory Palamas and others. In a separate chapter is examined the Greek discussion in the 1990s where is dealt with works of  Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos, Stavros Yangazoglou, Stelios Ramfos, Chrysostomos Stamoulis and others.