Science and faith
- Lemma
- Наука и вяра
- Bulgarian
- Nachev, Ivaylo
- Complementarity
- Дражев, Марий [Author]. Science and faith
- Доклади от симпозиумите Наука и религия, ноември 2005 г., април 2006 г. - София: ТЕМТО, 2006.
- science
The article started with a brief discussion of definitions for science and faith. Faith is described as based on a priory assumption. At the same time the development of scientific knowledge also needs preliminary principles and thus incorporates elements of faith, especially at the initial stages of formulation of hypotheses and theories, according to the author who is a scientist himself. The article also referred to positions of a number of eminent scientists whose ideas for harmonic unity of life corresponds with the idea of God. So, faith should not be regarded as an antithesis of science but rather as a phenomenon which in many respects guides and complements science. The author argues that the deepening contradictions of the globalising world can be resolved only by individual spirituality and faith which complements science.