Are science and religion compatible?
- Lemma
- Съвместими ли са наука и религия?
- Bulgarian
- Nachev, Ivaylo
- Complementarity
- 10-10-2017
- Стригачев, Атанас [Author]. Are science and religion compatible?
- Доклади от симпозиумите Наука и религия, ноември 2005 г., април 2006 г. - София: ТЕМТО, 2006.
- Bohr, Niels Henrik David
The article discussed core features of the religious and scientific worldview (on the base of concepts of the physics), aiming to answer the fundamental question whether there could be compromise between them. The author regards the scientific approach as essentially atheistic and thus the two areas of human thought are incompatible and contradictory. At the same time he proposed an examination of the problem through the logic of complementarily, a concept lend from Bohr's physics, which allows the two areas of human knowledge to be seen as mutually complementary. In that way, the useless efforts to determine science through religion and vise versa, can be avoided.