Evolutionism: building without an architect.

  1. Lemma
  2. Эволюционизм: стройка без архитектора
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Modes of interaction > Orthodox critique of science
  6. 27-12-2012
  7. Селенский Евгений [Author]. Evolution: building without an architect.
  8. Православие.ру
  9. Darwinism
    1. http://www.pravoslavie.ru/58342.html
    1. In this article, the author examines some of the most problematic positions of modern evolutionary theories: the refusal to admit the objective nature of reasonability observed in living matter; statistical implausibility of non-intellectual biological functionality emergence mechanisms.

      According to the logic of evolutionism, reasonability in structure and functioning of living organisms is only apparent. "Evolutionism", the author writes, "doubts the very philosophical basis of scientific method - objectivity of observations. If I see the biological system is expedient and looks as purposefully created, I have every right, as a scientist, to assume that my observations correspond to reality. In the case of Darwinian evolutionism, the basis of scientific research connected to the rational constructions with objective reality, falls out. Reality looks like an illusion, and science is increasingly drifting towards Buddhism, which is very popular among many intellectuals, especially in the West."

      "It is also impossible to recognize the 'automatic' appearance of novelty as a result of only mutations, genetic drift and natural selection, which also plays a creative role in evolutionism," believes the author. Empirical science indicates that only a limited set of scenarios can be realized spontaneously in nature: chaos or order. Functionality is not spontaneous in inanimate nature. Science has absolutely no data on any processes in inanimate nature when several new non-functional parts could spontaneously organize a new whole.

      The author is convinced that evolutionism has used up its own resource, because the extremely complex processes in living matter taking place at the basic, biochemical level, do not fit into explanations that involve only occasional non-intellectual search for the parameters of biological systems, which is the main prerequisite for Darwinism.