Reproduction system of living organisms indicates their intellectual origin

  1. Lemma
  2. Система размножения живых организмов свидетельствует об их интеллектуальном происхождении
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity - Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
  6. 08-08-2017
  7. Селенский Евгений [Author]. Reproduction system of living organisms indicates their intellectual origin
  8. Православие.ру
  9. Information theory - biosphere design
    1. The author of the article convincingly proves that in order to organize the movement of matter (in particular, in the form of information transmission systems), prediction, goal-setting, systems (natural languages and programming languages), planning and decision-making capacity, in other words, intellect is required.

      The information translation takes place only in linguistic and biological systems. The ability of intellect to create linguistic systems is a reliable fact. In an inanimate nature (of course, with the exception of deliberately artificial information processing systems created by man), information is not broadcasted. The intellectual nature of the origin of biosystems, therefore, seems to be a well-established hypothesis.

      The author discusses the design of the biosphere. This hypothesis in its meaning is an assumption about initial functional organization of the living. According to this assumption, there is no non-intellectual physico-chemical path from inanimate to living. Based on the analysis of biological systems, the author writes, the only true conclusion can be drawn: the origin of life, despite first generation organisms were simpler than modern ones, initially required organization, in particular in the form of specially implemented symbolic boundary conditions to ensure translation code.

      Translation of information is not the result of evolution, but its main cause, Selensky argues. As an example of this approach, the author quotes Michael Sherman's article "Universal Genome and the Origin of Metazoa", proposing the hypothesis of a universal multicellular genome.