Universe, Cosmos, Life - the Three Days of Creation

  1. Lemma
  2. Вселенная, Космос, Жизнь - три Дня Творения
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Biblical interpretation
  6. 2008
  7. Цыпин Леонид [Author]. Universe, Cosmos, Life - the Three Days of Creation
  8. Вселенная, Космос, Жизнь - три Дня Творения : Universe, Cosmos, Life - the Three Days of Creation
  9. Cappadocian Fathers - Hexameron
    1. http://www.bogoslov.ru/text/570139.html
    1. The book of Archpriest Leonid Tsypin is an experience of modern scientific and theological commentary on the biblical narrative of God's creation of the world. The first part of the book considers both ancient and modern interpretations of this narrative. In the second part, the author offers his approach, which is the creative development of the theological views of the holy Cappadocians and Byzantines, as well as of the recent past Orthodox theologians - V.Lossky, prot. G. Florovsky, bishop Cassian (Bezobrazov). This allows him to see the biblical image of creation in a new way - through Days as "steps" of ascent to the Kingdom of God to the eighth Day.

      Interpretation of the first three Days of Creation developed by the author is carried out in conjunction with modern scientific concepts of formation of the Universe, Space, the Earth and life on it. From the author's point of view, there is an "accurate tuning" of planetary, stellar and cosmic systems in which many factors are important and critical, which indicates the existence of the world Creator. New natural science conceptions either adopted by science, or being still on the horizon of scientific knowledge, echo the Biblical narrative of the world creation, revealing unexpected angles in its understanding.