Theology of Creation and the Problem of Theoretical Physics’ Interpretation

  1. Lemma
  2. Богословие творения и проблема интерпретации теоретической физики
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Biblical interpretation - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 2013
  7. Копейкин, Кирилл [Author]. Theology of Creation and the Problem of Theoretical Physics’ Interpretation
  8. Богословие творения : Creation theology
  9. science-religion relationship - religion and mathematics
    1. The author of the article discusses the possibility of "filling up the mathematical forms that science from human point of view discovers in the world" with the content that is displayed in the revelation, which is the "God’s point of view", applying the approach traditional for theological hermeneutics to the scientific data.

      The description of the world "from the God’s point of view" is implied already in classical physics, Kopeikin notes, where the Transcendental Entity appears instead of the eliminated subject. In Newtonian physics this is absolute space-time, sensorium Dei, in quantum mechanics - that Absolute, which, according to Schrödinger, sees "through" the individual. One of the main problems of the modern "post-nonclassical" science is precisely the absence of such a single, universal point of view, which could be found out on the basis of Hexameron which opens the Creator's view on the universe, the author believes.

      Therefore, one should try, on the one hand, to draw a parallel between the process of world creation from nothing by the word of God, as it is stated in Hexameron, and the process of constructing mathematics also by a single word from an empty set, as it is done in set theory. On the other hand, one can try to discover the connection of the Hexameron theological system with not only another speculative theory, but also with the theory created on the basis of observations, in order to propose an interpretation of the quantum mechanics’ laws which allows us to fill out a formally mathematical description of physical theory with a personally experienced and intuitively clear meaning.

      Theology can give a meaningful interpretation of formal knowledge and thereby help science that is experiencing today the deepest conceptual crisis associated with the inability to include the human personality in the system of scientific knowledge, to see new prospects for development, Kopeikin believes. If this really happens, science and theology, once separated and opposed to each other, will be able not only to find a common language, but, mutually enriching each other, they can find a new impetus for further joint development. On the one hand, theology, filling those formal structures that science discovers in the universe, will bring into personal knowledge a personal dimension. On the other hand, a dynamically developing science can give a new impulse to theology, making it truly modern.