Philosophical and theological interpretation of the multiverse concept

  1. Lemma
  2. Философско-богословское осмысление концепции мультивселенной
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 2013
  7. Кирьянов Дмитрий, протоиерей [Author]. Philosophical and theological interpretation of the multiverse concept
  8. Богословие творения : Creation theology
  9. world creation - freedom
    1. From the theological point of view, the multiverse concept seems to be a serious challenge to the traditional Christian teaching about world creation by God, comparable to the challenge of evolutionary theory in the field of biology, as the article author considers. This concept expands our understanding of greatness of the God's plan for the universe.

      The key condition for the possibility of love between God and creation is the freedom of creation, the author points out. God's plan for the world is represented in the form of giving the world an opportunity to be different from God and in a certain sense independent. Independence of creation implies realization of various possibilities, spontaneity of creation, surprising and complex interaction of the design observed in the universe as a whole, and contingency or unpredictability, manifested in physical, chemical and biological processes, within the framework of the Divine creation plan deployment.

      If cosmology considers possible physical causes for the universe existence, the theology of creation focuses attention on the ultimate source of existence. The dynamism and order of physics and cosmology reveals the original processes in the earliest universe, but the study of these processes requires not only a physical but also an ontological level of understanding. This deep level of understanding cannot be developed exclusively within the framework of physical world picture, but it requires a certain metaphysical understanding, which is possible through philosophy and Christian theology. The theology of creation reminds physics and cosmology of a larger and deeper search for the understanding and meaning to which they are involved, and the limits of their own form of inquiry, the author concludes.